Thursday, October 28, 2010

UPDATE on Korres tinted moisturizer

I really liked the Korres Watermelon Tinted Moisturizer... when I first got it.  Now, I don't know what it is but it's awful! (I did a review post on this product.) 

spf 30 (good skin protection but I hear spf might give you cancer?)
good coverage for a tinted moisturizer
natural ingredients, paraben-free
long lasting


I'm not doing anything different application-wise but it tends to gum up or ball up if you spread it on top of any parts of your face that already have it on.  I usually have to save it by spritzing MAC Fix + on it and working it really carefully but of course, this means more time for makeup application in the morning.

This shit sucks.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

girl mustache

Everyone's got a mustache.  Some people have darker mustache hairs than others.  Some people don't even want a mustach and wax it all off!  My mustache is very thin, like dark peach fuzz.  I didn't want to wax it so I just bleach it!  I'd rather have a blonde mustache that is virtually invisible than have stubble.  I haven't tried many bleaches but I hear most of them are crap.

  This is what I use.  Yeah, it's got totally boring packaging and there's nothing fancy (or complicated) about it but this is THE BEST.  It works best on fine hairs and doesn't burn.  Sometimes I swear I can feel it little soda bubbles on my lip but it's not itchy or burn-y at all.  Everything you need to bleach your mustache is in this little box!  It's super cheap (around $5) and it works like a dream.  I've never had any problem with it but some people with darker skin tones may experience temporary skin lightening where they applied the bleach.  Sounds scary but it didn't happen to me.

I love this shit.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


This is a Barbie/ Nicki Minaj look so of course bright pink lips and cheeks!

I love Nicki Minaj and her whole "Barbie" style!

The eye look is a really soft almost cut crease with the purple and pink.

Inspiration Picture!

Eyes: MAC pigment in Naked (lid)
random frosty color for inner corner
NYX e/s in Hot Pink (crease)
MAC e/s in Sketch (crease)
Black Liquid Eyeliner + Falsies

Cheeks: MAC blush in Dame
Frosty color for highlight

Lips: Illumasqua Intense Lipgloss in Indulge 
Stila lipgloss (random pink)

 Face: the usual stuff

Eyebrows: MAC e/s in Copperplate

fotd oct 15

This is a look I did yesterday, it's an almost a cut crease look using all matte colors.  I only used 3 eyeshadows on my eyes (MAC Copperplate, MAC Carbon, and Revlon Matte eyeshadow in 02Sorbet).  The rest of the makeup is subtle, just a little bit of bronzer and a peachy blush with lip balm.

excuse the wet hair!    

Take it easy.

Friday, October 15, 2010

items I could not live without

Well, I'm sure I could LIVE without them but I certainly wouldn't be very happy about it.

1. MAC Fix+  --- a GODSEND.  I usually spritz it on after my makeup is done to make it really meld into my skin and set it.  MAKES EVERYTHING LOOK PERFECT.
2. MAC Mineralized Skin Finish Natural ----evens out my skin without being heavy and looks almost dewy
3. Clinique Gel Liner/ Wet 'n' Wild Gel Liner----they are very comparable to each other even though there's like a $10 price difference.  The only real difference in the product in texture, Clinique's a lot creamier.
4. MAC 266 (?) Brush- I don't know if the number is right but it's the small angled brush.  I use this every day no matter what product I use for my brows.  I've had it for a few years now and it's still in good condition.
5. Grosella Red Currant Lip Balm
6. Tarte bronzer in Park Avenue Princess--- PERFECT GLOW. sooo pretty.
7.  (non-makeup related) H2OCEAN piercing aftercare spray

I'm still doing reviews so stay tuned for more in the coming days!
Have a good one and stay gorgeous!

VS pro camoflauge concealer pallette review

Hey girl hey.  I'm going to be doing a series of reviews on some of the (copious amounts of) makeup I have starting with a concealer palette I've been using a lot for the past week.

Victoria's Secret Pro Camoflauge Concealer Palette ($14)

So, as you can see, there are 5 shades of concealer in this palette.  The apricot one on the far right is for counteracting dark blue-ish tones in the skin while the green one is for redness.  There is also a light, medium, and dark shade.  Because I'm fairly pale (around an NC25 in MAC terms), I don't use the dark concealer that much but sometimes I do use it as a cream bronzer or a lip color.  I initially thought that this would be such a great palette since it has 5 different shades and somewhat resembled that MUFE concealer palettes.  Of course it also comes with a useless brush...maybe you can repurpose it as a small lip brush?

Good range of colors
Full Coverage, good pigmentation
Moisturizing (only the second one from the left)
Case feels pretty durable
Long lasting

Smells faintly like plastic (not an issue to me but could be to someone else)
Hard-to-open lid
Inconsistant texture (the "medium" concealer shade is ULTRA creamy/sticky while the others are kind of hard and plastic-y feeling but you are still able to get product)
Feels sticky on the skin
Could make the under eye area look dry after setting concealer with a powder

All in all, this concealer isn't the worst I've ever used.  It's got pretty good coverage and good pigmentation.  I think it'd be great for traveling since it's all the concealers you'll need in one neat little case.  Would I repurchase?  Meh.  I'm torn.  I feel like I could get a better quality of a single shade of concealer for the same price but then I'd only be getting one shade without the ability to mix and match.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ganga green princess

This is an all green look using a dark brownish olive green through the crease, a bright spring green on the lid, and blue-green on the bottom.  It's pretty wearable for day considering the amount of greens being used!

Face: Nars Sheerglow foundation
          VS pro camoflauge concealer palette
         MAC MSF Natural
         MUFE setting powder

Cheeks: ELF bronzer/blush duo (only the bronzer)
              MAC blush in Style

Brows: MUFE eyebrow corrector

Eyes: UDPP in Sin
         MUFE cream color in a bright grassy green color (not sure of the number because it's an old sample)
          MUFE star powder pigment (again, an old sample and not sure of the color)
         Maybelline Enchanted Forest e/s quad (only the green for the crease)
          MAC Pigment in Naked (highlight)
        UD 24/7 liner in Covet (lower lashline)
          Covergirl Quad in Tropical Fusion (green/blue color to set lower lash liner)
         Black liquid Liner (any kind, on top and winged out)

Lips:  Victoria's Secret Lipstick in Whisper
By the way, does anyone know about surface piercings??


Saturday, October 9, 2010

BANGIN' hot pink and purple look

Yeah, I got bangs's a big change for me so I don't know if I really like it yet but it's starting to grow on me.  I feel like they make me look sassier or more asian.  Anyway, this is a look I did today because I felt like using bright colors.
Face: Revlon Photo Ready Foundation
          The Balm Time Balm concealer
          MAC MSF Natural in Light Medium to set

Eyebrows: MUFE eyebrow corrector

Eyes: UDPP in Sin
           Revlon Mineral Finishing powder (highlight)
           NYX e/s in Cherry (lid)
           MAC e/s in Sketch (crease)
           Wet 'n' Wild cream eyeliner in black

Cheeks: MAC MSF Natural in Medium Dark (contour)
               MAC blush in Warm Soul

I decided not to go with mascara (wouldn't be visible on my eyes anyway unless I glob on 5 coats) or falsies.  I think it looks fine without it but if you want to add it, by all means go for it.

TIP for pink/red eyeshadows:  To avoid looking like a clown or that you have pink eye, remember to not go too much above the crease with the color and use eyeliner!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

casual cute look

Ok, so you wanna look like a diva during the day but you don't want to pack on the makeup or look like you're trying way too hard.
This is a a pretty simple makeup look, using neutral colors and soft winged eyeliner on the eye, peachy blush, and bronzed glowing skin.  I center parted my hair (haven't done that since I was like 9!) and curled my hair with a flat iron.
It's glam without going full on dramatic eyes and big hair.  To make the hair more casual or work/school appropriate, you can always clip back your hair.

Will post products soon!

Friday, October 1, 2010

katy perry inspired wearable bright eyes

Hey guys, today's look is a super cutesy Katy Perry inspired look.

This is my "inspiration picture".
She has bright blue-ish teal eyeshadow, lots of lashes, light peachy blush, and a pastel pink lip.  It's a really nice wearable look.

My version is NOT THE SAME, just inspired by the image.  I did not bring the color past the moveable lid 

Korres Watermelon Tinted Moisturizer in 02Honey
MAC MSF Natural in LightMedium

MAC cream color base in Virgin Isle
MAC blush in Style

MUFE eyebrow corrector in 03

UDPP in Sin
Nars cream eyeshadow in Pearl Beach (high light)
Covergirl quad in Tropical Fusion (green and blue shade with the orange in the crease)
Clinique gel liner in Black
 Maybelline the Falsies mascara in Very Black
NYX jumbo pencil in Milk (waterline)

and of course as always, it's a lot more vibrant in person than in photos!

Leave comments, questions, and suggestions below!
Have a good one!